G4 Owners Club

Side panels and roof wanted


By g4stu - 30 Jun 2011


i was wondering if anyone has a spare set of side panels, solid type to fit defender 110 CSW, also looking for CSW roof



By Johnny A - 1 Jul 2011

I believe the rear panels from a L/R Series III 88" fit straight on, could be a cheap option!
By g4stu - 1 Jul 2011

Thanks for the reply, you are correct in saying that the 88" ones fit straight on, but there is a 1" lip down the panel where the door meets. i would rather pay the extra and get the correct ones, but not at landrovers price of £400 each. There must be someone with take-offs somewhere.

How are you getting on with your sticker locations for your 130?


By Johnny A - 15 Jul 2011

Hi Stuart

Still no jolly in obtaining any stickers or G4 front/rear plaques, the work on the rest of the vehicle is now 90% completed. one day, one day.....

By Johnny A - 15 Jul 2011

Hey Stuart

You're going to paint the panels anyway, so why not go for the cheaper option of the 88" panels and hire yourself a plasma cutter to trim the edge.  it'll only take a few minutes to give you a nice clean cut with hardly any mess (unlike if you try using a grinder od jig saw) and save yourself a small fortune!