G4 Owners Club

2003 D110


By stu_007 - 12 Feb 2014

Spotted a vehicle close to my heart (!) for sale at James French.

By Pip66 - 12 Feb 2014

Either they've used old pictures or it's been hanging around a while.........
Judging by the leaves on the trees, in the back ground   !!!!!

By stu_007 - 12 Feb 2014

I think they might be the photos they took when they sold it after I traded it in, not this time!
By Hillbilly - 12 Feb 2014

Hi Stu,
Now I do like this, but sadly way over my current budget.  Is it the same as Baloo's machine ?
What about the price, is this right for the year - on a '52' plate ??


Ex.   D3 G4  BD08 VRX  Fleet No 27 

Current:  Pajero 2800  - well it's the same size !!

By stu_007 - 12 Feb 2014

Yes it is. I'm biased but this probably has the most interesting history of any vehicle; took part in two events, recced one and also took part in an event after 2006 and even was used on humanitarian mission after the Tsunami!
By S11 MUD - 23 Aug 2014

Tried to have a deal with my D2 G4 and James French didn't want to know? I would love to sell my D2 and 110 and own the G4 110 never mind.
By Xlb89 - 23 Aug 2014

James French seem to be a bit funny when it comes to selling vehicles to them, I enquired about selling my 03 event 110 and they wouldn't even value it.
By S11 MUD - 23 Aug 2014

Did you sell the 110?
By Xlb89 - 23 Aug 2014

I've still got it at the moment
By davezrx - 24 Aug 2014

that seems strange as once james french was all over G4 trucks loved buying and selling them ?

sold and brought a lot from club members
By Xlb89 - 24 Aug 2014

I think he was being awkward because it took him a long time to sell the last 110 he had, and I was looking at trying to get a value for mine whilst he still had it.
By Njpaice - 27 Aug 2014

Hi Are you thinking of selling your D2? as I am looking have bid on the one on Ebay but think its gone above My wallet, is it complete etc what sort off money?. Nigel