By Njpaice - 28 Aug 2014
Hi All, so missed out on the disco on Ebay so posting a wanted, hopefully someone in the club has bought it, so I would like a D2 G4 but not an LE, must be 95% complete would prefer it not to be LPGed but not ruling this out, I am not in a hurry but if something was about and forsale I would be interested, I will be at Peterborough so could get together then or will travel to see. Nigel/Mandy
By woodman - 2 Sep 2014
MY G4 D2 is for sale. Reg BT52 0WA. Could you send me your email so I can send you the full spec and picture. Robin Carter 07836626667
By Njpaice - 4 Sep 2014
Hi all sorted D2 Wise, But thanks Nigel