G4 Owners Club

Important information.


By marco g4 - 16 Jun 2016

Hi All
  Received a letter from the bank yesterday 15th June, to inform me that they needed to speak to me as a matter of urgency, spoke to them on the phone and was asked to go to visit the local branch as there has been fraudulent activity on the club bank account.
At the AGM last month i gave a final balance printout from the bank accompanied by a cheque for the balance of club funds to be paid into a new club bank account by the new treasurer as the old bank account has a link to my company account to avoid the club paying banking charges. 
 I spoke to Emon who was the club Chairman until the AGM if he had any knowledge of anything to which he has not. 
 It appears the cheque has not been cashed as yet and someone has been trying to access the club bank account on the telephone trying to answer my security questions and also trying to access the account in a branch. 
Due to the fact myself and Emon have no knowledge of who this and have confirmed this to the bank, the banks fraud team are now looking into this and are going to speak to the police regarding the activity. 
Just want to make everyone aware of the activity thats occurred, i messaged the club chairman pip last night to just make sure its nobody from the new committee but have not had a response so cannot confirm to the bank its anyone myself or Emon are aware of thats why they have no choice but to investigate and speak to the police. 
Will update you all with more info as soon as its available.


By Chairman - 16 Jun 2016


Many thanks for raising your concerns. First of all I'd like to say, I've received no such message from yourself or others that you have sent. So not really sure where you are sending them but it's not to me !!!

As regards the club bank account. The audit company have requested copies of the bank statements, along with all the clubs financial paperwork. HSBC have been approached and they caring out ID, address and credit reference checks on the appointed members.
If there has been any "fraudulent activity" then we whole heartedly agree the best thing is to contact the police and let them carry out a full investigation.
By Chairman - 17 Jun 2016

It appears I owe you an apology.  You had informed me of this issue, many thanks !
But it was sent to my personal account, so had got buried amongst all of  the other messages. I would maybe suggest that to my Chairman's account would have been better for an issue of such importance.  But again many thanks for raising your concerns.

Regards Phil.

By marco g4 - 17 Jun 2016

Its ok, i only sent it to your personal account as i know you would of had notification for it, i sent a pm to the chairman account last month and never received a response, tried checking the date but the forum software just says last month does not give a date so cannot make it easier to find. 
You should of informed myself or Emon that you were contacting the bank, as banks are very serious about security. They have stated that whoever did it stated that I was aware and gave authority to do so, also someone has called the bank and tried answering the security questions on the account which is worrying to the bank and myself, as the funds are still in there. 
The last time this was mentioned was at the agm Andy said you were opening a treasurers account. I did state getting bank statements was not an issue but the bank charge for copies so they will need to be paid for. 
The lack of communication hear is going to cause a few problems as i was unaware have stated that to my knowledge nobody I know would be trying to answer my security questions. Thats why the bank have taken this so seriously. 
I will arrange another meeting and explain who they should be speaking to, can you pass the details of the auditors so i can pass these onto the bank to aid their investigations. 
