By mikewF1 - 27 Dec 2018
Merry Christmas everyone.
Does anyone know anything about the above vehicle that nene overland have for sale? What is it’s history post G4 challenge? Why is it in the condition that it is, rusty dented and scratched?
Thanks Mike
By Border26 - 27 Dec 2018
+xMerry Christmas everyone.Does anyone know anything about the above vehicle that nene overland have for sale? What is it’s history post G4 challenge? Why is it in the condition that it is, rusty dented and scratched? Thanks Mike Its not one that the club has had in its membership for a long time so as to shedding any light on it.... Unfortunately we dont really know a lot.
It is a real event car and not an Edition or a G-Flaw copy, it was used in the 03 challenge , stage 3 Australia which I believe you already know as you have commented on the other post regarding this car.
Sorry we cant help much more than this. Jon
By mikewF1 - 28 Dec 2018
Thanks for the reply Jon.
Yes I was ready the other topic, it’s a shame some of the kit is wrong. I’m intrigued to how it got to it’s current condition. I have emailed nene but still no reply
By Pip66 - 29 Dec 2018
You have to remember that this is now like the rest of the G4’s an old car !!!! Chances are it’s had a few owners who may just have viewed it for what it is, a car !!! The mint ones are getting harder to find as the years go on and they’ll command a premium. You have to look at what needs to be done to bring it to the standard you want and if you’re prepared to plough that amount in to it !!! If not then keep looking.
By Tom - 31 Dec 2018
Be warned nene have a very chequed history. I would go anywhere near them.
By Pip66 - 1 Jan 2019
Agreed. I'd keep looking or go in very hard with an offer !!!
By Camel - 1 Jan 2019
+xAgreed. I'd keep looking or go in very hard with an offer !!! Hi, the car was on ebay a few weeks ago and sold for somewhere in the region of £9000 which gives you an idea of the real value. It probably has had no more than £1000 spent on it since.
By Pip66 - 3 Jan 2019
Well now back from my little trip, I can now see it on something other than my phone..... It looks like most Deafners of that age !!! I would think you've got to be looking at least £10k to get it somewhere straight.
By mikewF1 - 8 Jan 2019
Well I emailed nene about 5 weeks ago with no reply, I emailed again 2 weeks ago and they finally replied yesterday saying its now sold