By gasket - 13 Jul 2022
Hi everyone, this is my first post here and hope that there's still some users visiting.
I've been going through the 2006 and 2009 vehicle spec sheets on the site and have found them incredibly useful for kitting out my own 2009 Defender with 'factory approved' upgrades and accessories.
However there are a few items that I haven't been able to find pictures of (largely due to Mantec going quiet) and wondered if the club had any pictures available that I might be able to see?
From the 2009 vehicle sheet the parts that I'd like to identify are:
JACK MOUNTING KIT 4-JMK 1 (was this for the KAJ100570bottle jack or was there a hi-lift on board?) SECURITY BOX 4-SB/07 1 SHOVEL 8-SH 1 (style, colour, manufacturer?) TOW ROPE (TAGGED) 8-FRA 1 (what style, colour and length?) WATER CAN 8-JCW 2 (style, size, colour?) FUEL CAN 8-JCF 2 (style, size, colour?) POURER FOR FUEL CAN 8-FPOUR 1 Sealey foot pump (style/colour?)
Any help would be massively welcome. I have already brought my non-event Defender up to a similar spec as the G4 vehicles using identical parts found on the used market but would like to go the whole hog and finish the job. But she'll be staying red :) .
Thank you.
By Joncorry - 21 Dec 2022
Sounds like you’re aiming for a fairly close replica there? The stuff is listed under Mantec who won’t really be able to help as I’m pretty sure they went bust but the folk that took over didn’t manage to secure any of the previous kit/specs etc. I’ve asked about early Mantec stuff and drawn blanks too.
The only late Defender I know of belongs to a club member but I’m sure non of what you have listed was with their vehicle when they bought it.
Apologies for not being much help. The only water can and jerry can I’ve managed to pick up were the generic black water ones and the 25 litre green jerry can with the metal spout that hooks onto the lid fastening bracket.
By Joncorry - 22 Dec 2022
 This was posted today on the FB G4 Enthusiasts page, shows a 2006 RR Sport with the shovel and water containers. At least you can gauge the type.