G4 Owners Club

G4OC New website now live.


By Webmaster - 4 May 2018

Hi Everyone.

We hope that you like the new site and find the navigation of the site easy and useful.

If you are having any issues with signing into the website then please send an email to login@g4ownersclub.com

(Also you might need to clear your cookies for the g4ownersclub website/forum to allow login.)

If you need to reset your password for any reasons then please you this link,

Password Reset

If you do spot an errors on your journey around the site then let us know here!

Enjoy the new site!


By Radeco - 4 May 2018

Wonderful job Ant - even got chrome to work. :D
By DurtyDisco - 4 May 2018

Great work Ant!!

Single sign on for website and forum seems to work and I can see the attachments on my iPad and iPhone too!

Thanks for your time and effort to get this sorted over he last couple of months.
By Gazdiver - 4 May 2018

Top  Job Ant 
By Scotch Ian - 5 May 2018

Top job 👌
By Webmaster - 9 May 2018

A few more adjustments will be happening to the site today.

Please keep with us whilst we try and get the site running smoothly! If you do find any issues, please post in this thread so it makes it easier for us to spot and fix.

And just to add please click the link on the "Verification E-mail" that will arrive in your inbox, as this will then allow you to view the special content on the website depending on your user level! (I will keep sending these out until you do ;) )
